1.3K followers but few true friends. So the internet really does work that way.
Your style looks really cool! I’ll give you a follow to stay updated. Creator Forums might also be a good place to start with making connections on NG.
I make the funny art
Age 20
Joined on 3/15/21
1.3K followers but few true friends. So the internet really does work that way.
Your style looks really cool! I’ll give you a follow to stay updated. Creator Forums might also be a good place to start with making connections on NG.
As somebody new to Newgrounds I can say that every interaction I have had with anyone here has been positive yet it DOES still feel like I'm standing outside of a circle of people who are looking inward and I haven't made my way into that circle yet. So I get where you are coming from.
Wow your stuff is incredible! I haven’t done a lot of animations (barely learning it in my case) but I’ll definitely follow you cause of your rad artwork. And if you ever need some buds or just wanna chat I’m open to it
wonderful initiative hiii
what's up my guy love your work, hit me up I'd love to talk about art and stuff
Oh hello how you doing.
I hope everything is going alright.
Got any chicken?
Sure I'll be your friend
Welcome, if your looking for talented people you've hit the motherload. Not me though unfortunately I've no talent so I just leave comments